Treatment here means an open ear

Otorhinolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon

ENT Specialist in Vienna

Trust is the foundation of our relationship with our patients. That’s why, in our ENT practice, we make time for your questions, we listen to you attentively and we accompany you on your health journey every step of the way. Dr Loader regularly treats English speaking patients as part of his general ENT and surgical practice, regardless of heritage or background.

Services and Specialisation

  • Middle Ear Surgery

Dr Benjamin Loader has extensive expertise in middle ear surgery. His surgical services include:

  • Cholesteatoma surgery: Surgical treatment of chronic otitis media.
  • Stapes Surgery (stapedectomy): Surgical hearing reconstruction in otosclerosis.
  • Middle Ear Reconstruction (tympanoplasty): Reconstruction of the ossicular chain to improve the transmission of sound waves through the middle ear.
  • Hearing Implants: Surgical implantation of bone conduction and middle ear hearing aids in complex cases.
  • Sinus Surgery

Chronic sinusitis often leads to a persistent stuffy or runny nose, headaches and difficulty breathing through the nose.

If first line medical therapy does not provide relief, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) operation may help. This minimally invasive procedure aims to effectively alleviate symptoms and significantly improve quality of life. Many patients find that their symptoms ease considerably following this operation.

FESS is also used to treat chronic nasal polyps (chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps).

  • Functional Nose Surgery

Functional nose surgery aims to improve nasal breathing and is performed under general anaesthesia after detailed clinical examination and imaging:

  • Correction of the nasal septum (septoplasty)
  • Functional correction of the nasal tip and the nostrils
  • Radiofrequency treatment of the nasal concha
  • Repair of a nasal septum defects
  • Salivary Gland Surgery

Salivary gland surgery is a special field that focuses on the removal of pathology within the parotid and submandibular glands, mostly due to benign tumours or extensive salivary stone formation. These carefully planned procedures require several days in hospital to ensure diligent monitoring and optimal healing. The aim is to alleviate pain and other symptoms and to improve wellbeing over the long term.

  • Surgery for Skin Lesions

Working with dermatologists, Prof Loader performs surgical procedures to remove skin tumours of the face, ears, nose and forehead. The treatment is tailored to the individual patient and can be carried out under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

  • General ENT Services

Our general ENT services cover a broad spectrum to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases affecting the ears, nose and throat. Core services include:

  • Diagnostics and treatment of hearing disorders
  • Ear microscopy
  • Endoscopy of the nose, nasal sinuses and nasopharynx
  • Laryngeal endoscopy and vocal cord diagnostics
  • Assessment before and after thyroid surgery

The pediatric ENT specialist whom parents trust

Dr Loader is renowned for being good with children by creating an amicable atmosphere to ease the young patient‘s anxiety when entering a doctor‘s office. His calm demeanour and the ability to respond to children’s needs with humour makes him a popular doctor among young patients and their parents.

The pediatric ENT procedures we perform include the following:

  • Eardrum incision (paracentesis): Rapid relief for chronic middle ear effusions.
  • Grommet Placement: To ventilate the middle ear in case of frequent inflammation.
  • Adenotomy: Adenoid removal commonly improves nasal breathing and improves middle ear ventilation.
  • Tonsillectomy: To treat recurrent tonsillitis and sleep disorders.

About Dr Loader and his practice

Dr Benjamin Loader, born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa, is a renowned ENT specialist whose expertise and research have received international recognition. At his practice in Vienna’s 19th municipal district, he combines comprehensive medical knowledge with empathy and a personal commitment to each of his patients. His goal is to improve his patients’ quality of life in the long term. If you are looking for an ENT specialist who combines medical expertise with human compassion, then Dr Loader is the right doctor for you.

Via docendi Qualification: (“Habilitation”): Diagnostics and surgical treatment of cochleovestibular diseases, Medical University of Vienna.

2015: Appointment as Guest Professor at the Medical University of Vienna

Since 2012: Attending Consultant Otorhinolayrngology, Head an Neck Surgery – Klinik Landstraße Vienna (Formerly „Rudolfstiftung Tertiary Teaching Hospital“)

University Lecturer, Otorhinolayrngology, Head an Neck Surgery Medical University of Vienna
Specialist in Otorhinolayrngology, Head an Neck Surgery , Vienna General Hospital
Subsidiary Training: Paediatrics, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery

Head of the ENT Neurotology Outpatient Clinic, Vienna General Hospital
Clinical Board Examination: Otorhinolayrngology, Head an Neck Surgery (Salzburg, Austria)

2005 – 2011: Clinical Residency , Department of Otorhinolayrngology, Head an Neck Surgery, Vienna General Hospital, Medical University of Vienna

2004 – 2005: ENT Practice Assistant, Prof. h.c. Dr G.A. Budik

2003: Graduation as Doctor of Medicine, University of Vienna

1997: MBChB I, University of Pretoria

1996: South African Matric („Matura“), Menlopark High School, Pretoria, South Africa

Dr Loader specialises in “ear research”. Amongst others, he has published original scientific papers on the combination of diabetes and hearing loss, as well as on surgical treatment for acute hearing loss.

Dr Loader also performs surgery on patients with Ménière’s disease and surgically implants active transcutaneous hearing aids.

Loader, B., Linauer, I., Korkesch, S., Krammer-Effenberger, I., Zielinski, V., Schibany, N., Kaider, A., Vyskocil, E., Tscholakoff, D., & Franz, P. (2016). A connection between neurovascular conflicts within the cerebellopontine angle and vestibular neuritis, a case controlled cohort study. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica: Organo Ufficiale Della Societa Italiana Di Otorinolaringologia e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale, 36(5), 421–427.

Loader, Benjamin. (2015). Akuter Schwindel. psychopraxis neuropraxis, 18(2), 53–55.

Loader, Benjamin. (2016). Tenotomy of the tensor tympani and stapedius tendons for Meniere’s diseases. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, 27(4), 240–243.

Loader, Benjamin, Atteneder, C., Kaider, A., & Franz, P. (2013). Tympanotomy with sealing of the round window as surgical salvage option in sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 133(12), 1285–1291.

Loader, Benjamin, Beicht, D., Hamzavi, J.-S., & Franz, P. (2012). Tenotomy of the middle ear muscles causes a dramatic reduction in vertigo attacks and improves audiological function in definite Meniere’s disease. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 132(5), 491–497.

Loader, Benjamin, Seemann, R., Atteneder, C., Sterrer, E., Franz, P., & Lill, C. (2017). Sealing of the round and oval window niches with triamcinolone-soaked fascia as salvage surgical therapy in sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 137(9), 923–927.

Loader, Benjamin, Sterrer, E., Reichmayr, C., Kaider, A., Gstöttner, W., Baumgartner, W.-D., & Vyskocil, E. (2018). Direct comparison of mastoidal and retrosigmoidal placement of a transcutaneous bone conduction device after canal wall down tympanoplasty. Clinical Otolaryngology: Official Journal of ENT-UK ; Official Journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery, 43(6), 1603–1606.

Loader, Benjamin, Stokic, D., Riedl, M., Hickmann, S., Katzinger, M., Willinger, U., Luger, A., Thurner, S., & Wick, N. (2008). Combined analysis of audiologic performance and the plasma biomarker stromal cell-derived factor 1a in type 2 diabetic patients. Otology & Neurotology, 29(6), 739–744.

Enzenhofer, E., Parzefall, T., Haymerle, G., Schneider, S., Kadletz, L., Heiduschka, G., Pammer, J., Oberndorfer, F., Wrba, F., Loader, B., Grasl, M. C., Perisanidis, C., & Erovic, B. M. (2016). Impact of sonic hedgehog pathway expression on outcome in HPV negative head and neck carcinoma patients after surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy. PloS One, 11(12), e0167665.

Erovic, B. M., Baumgartner, W.-D., & Loader, B. (2011). Larynxtrauma – eine klinische Herausforderung. Sport- und Präventivmedizin, 41(4), 8–9.

Foki, E., Fochtmann-Frana, A., Haymerle, G., Nemec, S., Loader, B., Perisanidis, C., & Erovic, B. M. (2018). Computed tomography accelerates staging in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology: Official Journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS): Affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 275(12), 3059–3066.

Hellekes, D., Niepel, A., Loader, B., & Steinkellner, L. (2021). Primary presentation of a novel cartilage tweezer for simplification of alar cartilage cephalic resection—preliminary results. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 44(2), 263–268.

Lill, C., Loader, B., Seemann, R., Zumtobel, M., Brunner, M., Heiduschka, G., & Thurnher, D. (2011). Milk allergy is frequent in patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy, 25(6), e221-4.

Mittermaier, C., Schindler, M., Loader, B., Waldhoer, T., Ambrozy, C., Crevenna, R., & Pieber, K. (2017). Unique approach to sensorimotor training with a new device combining air cushion with stochastic translations-A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. Gait & Posture, 52, 153–158.

Pirker, A., Kramer, L., Voller, B., Loader, B., Auff, E., & Prayer, D. (2011). Type of edema in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome depends on serum albumin levels: an MR imaging study in 28 patients. AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(3), 527–531.

Reichmayr, C., Sterrer, E., Bachtiar, A., Layr, M., & Loader, B. (2019). Tenotomy of the middle ear muscles : An unknown surgical approach in Meniere’s disease. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 131(3–4), 87–91.

Rommer, P. S., Wiest, G., Kronnerwetter, C., Zach, H., Loader, B., Elwischger, K., & Trattnig, S. (2015). 7-Tesla MRI demonstrates absence of structural lesions in patients with vestibular paroxysmia. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 9, 81.

Schmoeger, M., Deckert, M., Eisenwort, B., Loader, B., Hofmair, A., Auff, E., & Willinger, U. (2020). Evaluating Part V of the German version of the Token Test as a screening of specific language impairment in preschoolers. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(1), 237–258.

Scholtz, A.-W., Ilgner, J., Loader, B., Pritschow, B. W., & Weisshaar, G. (2016). Cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate in the treatment of vertigo in medical practice. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 128(9–10), 341–347.

Sterrer, E., & Loader, B. (2018). Hearing outcomes of incus-interposition vs titanium-partial ossicular replacement prostheses-Hearing outcomes in 115 patients. Clinical Otolaryngology: Official Journal of ENT-UK ; Official Journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery, 43(1), 332–335.

Sterrer, Elisabeth, Windisch, F., Frey, K., Rettensteiner, K., & Loader, B. (2017). Middle ear adenoma with neuroendocrine differentiation : A pediatric case report. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 129(5–6), 208–211.

Willinger, U., Hergovich, A., Schmoeger, M., Deckert, M., Stoettner, S., Bunda, I., Witting, A., Seidler, M., Moser, R., Kacena, S., Jaeckle, D., Loader, B., Mueller, C., & Auff, E. (2017). Cognitive and emotional demands of black humour processing: the role of intelligence, aggressiveness and mood. Cognitive Processing, 18(2), 159–167.

Willinger, U., Schmoeger, M., Deckert, M., Eisenwort, B., Loader, B., Hofmair, A., & Auff, E. (2017). Screening for Specific Language Impairment in Preschool Children: Evaluating a Screening Procedure Including the Token Test. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(5), 1237–1247.

International Training:

Primary Health Care: 2002, Hammanskraal Clinic, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Ophthalmology: 2001, Pretoria Eye Institute, Pretoria, South Africa

Emergency Medicine: 2000, Mamelodi Hospital, Gauteng, South Africa

MBChB I: 1997, University of Pretoria, South Africa

International Lectures (amongst others):

IFOS (Seoul)

Politzer Society (Antalya)

Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (Rome, Istanbul, San Francisco)

National South African ENT Conference (Cape Town, Port Elizabeth)

Dr Loader is passionate about medical teaching.

In Austria, Dr Loader has regularly supervised undergraduates and is the subject coordinator and ENT mentor for students in the last year of their medical studies (clinical internship) at the Klinik Landstraße of the Wiener Gesundheitsverbund (Vienna Healthcare Group). He has given a multitude of lectures and seminars at the Medical University of Vienna, from where he has also obtained additional qualifications in medical teaching. In addition, Dr Loader teaches at the Sigmund Freud Private University as an Assistant Professor.

Dr Loader has also run training courses in “ENT emergencies” for the Austrian Armed Forces.

Contact & Appointments

Would you like to make an appointment or ask a question? Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email, or simply use our online appointment scheduling tool.

Private Practice.

+ What is a ‘Wahlarzt’?

A ‘Wahlarzt’, or „doctor of choice“, is a doctor in private practice who does not have a contract with Austrian health insurance funds. Any patient may visit a „Wahlarzt“ at own expense. After having paid the consultation fees, the provided invoice obtained may be submitted to the patient‘s relevant medical aid insurer for partial reimbursement. Reimbursement eligibility may vary.

Döbling Practice Centre

Heiligenstädterstraße 46-48 (1st floor)
1190 Vienna

Phone: +43 (0)1 360 66-8000

Office hours:
Wednesday 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Friday 2.30pm – 6pm

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More Information


In urgent cases where acute ENT medical assistance is required, you can visit the following emergency outpatient clinics:


Fees may vary depending on the service provided and the complexity of the examination. Hearing tests are billed separately. Payment is required in person on the day of the appointment either in cash or by debit card.

Making an appointment online

Please note the following when booking online:

  • Please bring all relevant medical results in written form and a list of your medications.
  • If you have had a CT/MRI, please bring the actual images with you as well.